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Check it Off: Take Care of These Items Before You Show Your Home

Steve Flanagan September 5, 2023

Planning to sell your home in the near future? Here are some quick tips to help you prepare to invite buyers into your house.

Make repairs or improvements. Replace broken tiles, fix leaky faucets and ceiling cracks, and resurface driveways, etc.

Rent a storage unit to store excess furniture. Most homes show better with less furniture and more open space.

De-clutter. Make your home more attractive by finding a place to store any unnecessary items.

Reorganize. Make sure closets and drawers are kept neat and tidy. Potential buyers tend to look behind the scenes.

De-personalize. Remove family photos and religious or political items. Potential buyers will be able to picture themselves living in your home.

Clean and refresh. Repaint, wash windows, wax floors and dust everything.

Boost your curb appeal. Keep the exterior of your home groomed: Mow the lawn and trim shrubs, clear sidewalks, fix broken gutters and, if needed, give your home a coat of fresh paint.

Consider buying a home warranty. Itʼs a great differentiator when buyers are considering homes to purchase.